List of works by Nikolay Artsybushev

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Artsybushev, Nikolay.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

Works with Opus number

  1. Aubade [Я пришёл к тебе с приветом]
  2. Chanson de Zuleika [Песня Зюлейки]
  3. Lorsque j'entends ta voix [Слышу ли голос твой]
  • Op.6 - 2 Romances, for Voice and Piano
  1. À la sombre vitre (Sergennois after Polonsky)
  2. C'était la nuit (Sergennois after Borovikovsky)
  1. Valse
  2. Mazurka
  • Op.8 -
  • Op.9 - Valse fantasia, for Orchestra
  • Op.10 -
  • Op.11 -
  • Op.12 -
  • Op.13 -
  • Op.14 -
  • Op.15 - 3 Romances, for Voice and Piano (French texts by V Scheikévitch) (or Mélodies in HMB. Belyayev, 1903)
  1. Rêve (Pushkin) ("Je fis tout récemment")
  2. Muet, le doux rossignol s'était tu. Mute the Nightingale's quivering Trill (English version by F.H. Martens, etc. London : Schott & Co, 1908)
  3. Le soleil brillant se couche
  • Op.23 - Chant élégiaque et Valse Impromptu, for Violin and Piano. Leipzig : Belaieff, 1921

Works without Opus number

  1. [Близость весны]
  2. [Когда б не смутное влеченье]
  3. [Катится звезда золотая]
  1. Oriental Song [Восточная песня (Пленившись розой, соловей)]
  2. [Не надо объятий]
  3. Du bist wie eine Blume [Ты как цветок весенний]
  4. Ich hab' im Traum geweinet [Во сне неутешно я плакал]
  5. Vergiftet sind meine [Полны мои песни]
Aus meinen Tränen sprießen [Из слёз моих]
Es fällt ein Stern herunter [Звезда упала в бездну]
  • When I am Near Thee, for Voice and Piano (pub. 1880)
  • Scherzo in C Major, for Orchestra (not published, performed in 1887 and 1891)

Collaborative works